Heidi Franke is a painter and writer living in Valdez, Alaska. She works primarily in acrylic and digital design, although she dabbles in lots of things, from special effects make-up to theatre props. The name "Tailbone Designs" came from her love of painting bones, birds, and bunnies. She enjoys using wild color combinations and taking a fantastical approach to her subjects; her skeletons bike and ice climb, and her bunnies pose for formal portraits, sometimes while handling explosives.
The vaudeville-style history of Valdez play that she co-wrote, That's Valdez!, is in its third year of production at the Follies tent theatre. And when she’s not making art, you can usually hear her on the radio at our local station - KVAK. She does commission pieces, and you can check out more of her artwork through the Tailbone Designs Facebook page or on Instagram @tailbonedesigns.